Linchpin Student Ministries

A place to grow...

Linchpin Student Ministries aims to teach, guide, and disciple young people to follow after Christ. To help them to understand the price He paid for us and to follow his example in serving those around us. We want kids to leave with the realization that when we allow Christ to be the Linchpin of our lives, He holds everything together and in order.

Blade and Megan Hodges

Linchpin Ministers

What We Do

Gather together

We meet every Wednesday at 7pm upstairs in the youth room. Typical meetups consist of worship, reading from God’s word, and fellowship. It is a very relaxed environment where you can ask questions and build friendships.

know hope class

The first and third Sunday of the month is our discipleship/serve nights. We gather at LVA Church in the multipurpose building from 5pm-7pm. The boys meet the first Sunday and the girls meet the third Sunday of each month. 

college group

Come to our next gathering.